by Jonathan Howe | Mar 30, 2022 | Episodes
Women in the slum brothels of Kampala, Uganda, are learning God has not forgotten them, there is hope and redemption in their life stories, and He has given them a new name. Music duo Kenny and Claire has spent the last several years modernizing and rewriting classic hymns as a way to reintroduce them to the Church. And in a Bible Study from Lifeway, the focus is Romans 5:6.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 29, 2022 | Episodes
More than 2,100 professions of faith came as a result of the ministry of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief in 2021. Journey Church in Lviv, Ukraine is doing their best to continue the work of the ministry despite the country’s invasion by Russia. And Lorie Keene shares her story how she felt called to ministry when she was teenager.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 28, 2022 | Episodes
An EF-3 tornado caused damage in Jacksboro, Texas, where a disaster relief crew set up to provide help to the community. The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Texas death row inmates request to have his pastor lay hands on him and pray for him aloud when he receives a lethal injection. And one of the creative ways the IMB is sharing the Gospel and offering hope to Ukrainian refugees is through social media.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 25, 2022 | Episodes
More than 400 students attended the kickoff of REV7:9, a a student evangelism conference in Louisiana. Oscar Tshiebwe shares his faith with the same passion he plays basketball. And pastor David Jeremiah encourages Christians to keep in mind that they are pursuing a prize.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 24, 2022 | Episodes
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every family in America and the problem of substance abuse…worsened by the pandemic…may live on for years. Foster children are one of the most overlooked and underserved groups in our nation. And maybe you’ve never heard of Albert “Bones” McKinney, but you should have.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 23, 2022 | Episodes
A Disaster Assistance & Response Team from SBDR returned from Poland after surveying ways volunteers from the US might engage and serve Ukrainian refugees. 165 new church planters attended Send Network’s Orientation March 7-9 at NAMB’s headquarters. And a Bible study from Lifeway based on 1 Thessalonians 2 asks “what’s better – gaining or losing?”
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 22, 2022 | Episodes
Romanian Baptists and International Mission Board missionaries are responding to the influx of refugees from Ukraine into Romania. A brand-new mobile ultrasound machine that will serve several western North Carolina counties has already played an instrumental role in helping at least one expectant mother and her unborn child. And Jason Gravely, a formerly incarcerated man, said his skeptical search for God concluded with his involvement in the outdoor kids’ ministry program at the church, where he found spiritual answers and discipleship.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 21, 2022 | Episodes
At least 97 million more people have fallen into extreme poverty globally since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago, according to World Relief. The number of churches searching for youth pastors exceeds the number of student pastors available to serve by several thousand. And Todd Kaunizt encourages Christians to press ahead with what he calls Jesus’ Plan A – to become disciples who make disciples.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 18, 2022 | Episodes
Pastors often carry heavy loads for others, but may be reluctant to get help for themselves. Amer and Vicki Safadi weren’t sure at first that Cincinnati was where God wanted them to plant a church. And perhaps the most dramatic example of the correlation between social media use and symptoms of anxiety and depression come from the current teenagers that make up Gen Z.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 17, 2022 | Episodes
Finances are an important concern for most people, a recent study sheds some interesting light on finances and Christians. The average young adult in America cares about values when making financial decisions, and they want the companies they do business with to share the same values they hold. And Brianna McKinney says for many people Denver is a lonely place.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 16, 2022 | Episodes
Jack Countryman hopes his new devotional book will inspire Christians to find their hope in Jesus and develop better devotional habits. Jared and Jennifer Huntley had a heart for military personnel long before they launched Pillar Church of Washington, D.C. And in a Bible Study posted on Baptist Press, the reader is asked to look within to see if they find loyalty or betrayal toward Christ.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 15, 2022 | Episodes
A church in Phoenix, Arizona is receiving a big yield from a community gardening project they’ve been pursuing. Itamar Elizalde says Puerto Rico is an island that just can’t catch a break. And Casey McCall writes of what C.S. Lewis calls four cardinal virtues — prudence, temperance, justice and fortitude.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 14, 2022 | Episodes
A Southern Seminary student in Louisville, Kentucky is keeping a close eye on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. God called Michael and Traci Byrd to return to St. Louis and plant Faith Community Bible Church. And Jayson Larson encourages people to resist the fear they may face when sharing their faith.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 11, 2022 | Episodes
The Biden administration for granting Temporary Protected Status to Ukrainians in the United States. A new study from Lifeway Research reveals some interesting information when it comes to young people and money. And “Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior” and “There is a Fountain Filled With Blood” are among hymns and spiritual songs that have anchored the faith of Michelle “Missie” Branch
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 10, 2022 | Episodes
Someone is watching your back when it comes to protecting people from sexual exploitation. IMB President Paul Chitwood spent several days at the Polish border and witnessed first hand how God’s people are caring for those fleeing Ukraine. Shepherding Like Jesus calls pastors to be mindful of physical, mental, emotional and, even spiritual, fatigue.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 9, 2022 | Episodes
Churches are beginning to send mission teams back to the field. Through the Send Relief serve tour, thousands of believers from 65 churches gathered to participate in a serve event in Memphis in late February. And a portion of a Bible Study posted on Baptist Press, focuses on God’s faithfulness as it highlights the transition of leadership that occurred between Moses and Joshua.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 8, 2022 | Episodes
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is marking the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade with their Road to Roe 50 initiative. O.S. Hawkins was celebrated in Dallas last week as he wraps up 25 years of leading GuideStone. And Paul Miller offers an idea of what a just end to the war between Russia and the Ukraine might look like.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 7, 2022 | Episodes
As hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians flee from the Russian oppression being forced upon them, Polish Christians and Southern Baptist workers are ready to care for them. And Emery and Lillie Polelonema were members of First Baptist Church in Ritchfield, Utah when they became involved in a ministry for the Hmong, who had settled in the area as refugees following the Vietnam War.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 4, 2022 | Episodes
The number of churches that have returned to meeting in person following the pandemic stands at 98 percent. 94 percent of pastors surveyed said they offered some sort of online livestream during the pandemic. And most U.S. Protestant pastors say their churches are also restarting small groups, student ministry and kids ministry.
by Jonathan Howe | Mar 3, 2022 | Episodes
A pair of cadets at the U-S Military Academy in West Point, New York recently placed their faith in Jesus Christ and it led them to some chilly water…literally. Churches should know about their community; having the right data will help. And four reasons American Christians should be concerned about the situation in Ukraine.