Episode 058

Refugee Relief, Training Church Planters, & Gaining vs. Losing

Mar 23, 2022

A Disaster Assistance & Response Team from SBDR returned from Poland after surveying ways volunteers from the US might engage and serve Ukrainian refugees. 165 new church planters attended Send Network’s Orientation March 7-9 at NAMB’s headquarters. And a Bible study from Lifeway based on 1 Thessalonians 2 asks “what’s better – gaining or losing?”


A Disaster Assistance & Response Team (DART) of Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) returned from Poland after surveying ways volunteers from the United States might engage and serve Ukrainian refugees fleeing the invasion of their homeland.

So far, four different sites – in the Polish cities of Warsaw, Chelm, and Gdansk and in Suseava, Romania – have been identified. There small teams of no more than 10 volunteers will be able to serve local churches who are ministering to refugees by cooking meals, hosting activities for children, doing laundry and providing showers.

The relief workers say the first wave of refugees who left Ukraine were people with financial means to do so. Those fleeing the country now are much poorer and need more assistance.

One hundred sixty-five new church planters attended Send Network’s Orientation March 7-9 at the North American Mission Board’s headquarters, setting a record for the in-person event since it was first offered in January 2016.

The three-day equipping and training experience, which occurs two to three times a year, is a critical first step in the church planting journey for newly endorsed Send Network church planters.

Church planters from 37 states and Puerto Rico attended, including more than 60 Hispanic planters. In addition, church planters from a new partnership between Send Network and the National African American Fellowship will make their way from orientation to plant churches in underserved African American communities across North America.

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

A Bible study from Lifeway based on 1 Thessalonians 2 asks what’s better – gaining or losing? The typical answer is gaining…whether is a be a few dollars or a new friend. The study encourages Christians to consider the joy of gaining when being obedient in sharing their faith.

Reaching people with the Gospel brings great joy and reward in both the present and the future. For the present, we gain relationships with people who share our faith and spur us on to be more Christ-like in our lives. For the future, we gain the commendation of our Savior welcoming us as His faithful servants.

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