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U.S. Funding Bill, Waco Youth Revivals & Fruit That Did Not Last

The latest Congressional spending package allows federally funded gender transitions and essentially bypasses current restrictions on government-funded abortions, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) told Baptist Press. In 1945, a group of Baylor students began leading a series of worship gatherings that came to be known as the Waco Youth Revivals. And, maybe you have a friend who started out as a Christian but isn’t producing fruit in their faith journey. In the BP Toolbox, Todd Gray offers three tips for reaching them.

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Pastors Getting Their Groove Back, Paschal Full Moon & Recovering Pharisees Find Grace

It may be hard to believe the beginnings of the COVID pandemic began more than four years ago. That could be because so many effects of the pandemic took years to withdraw. This week is a special week in the life of the Christian faith as believers look toward resurrection Sunday. And, in the parable of the Prodigal Son, told to a crowd of Pharisees, Jesus invited the religious to find redemption. He told a story of a prodigal, the kind of moral reprobate the Pharisees knew would be far from God’s kingdom.

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Most Americans Say Religion’s Influence is Waning, Kendrick Brothers ‘The Forge’ Movie & Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep Will Scatter

A new poll from Pew Research says religious influence on society is shrinking. It mirrors a family reunion from the best of the Kendrick Brothers’ work. “The Forge” revives beloved characters from “War Room” and features actors from “Courageous” and “Overcomer.” And, Ken Sande of Peacemaker Ministries should do their bests to hold on to their pastors.

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Disaster Relief Assess Damage in Ohio and Indiana, Movie Displays A Mother’s Unwavering Faith & Showing Gratitude

For 29 years, Southview Church in Lincoln, Nebraska enjoyed their annual Easter play. It was a tradition for the church and the community. The Covid pandemic not only stopped the play in 2020, but the effects would be felt for four Easters. Inconsistencies between Alabama’s strict abortion laws and its IVF bill that allows embryo destruction are causing Christians to wrestle through the issue. And, up for reading a book to energize your prayer life? In our Toolbox, Kie Bowman says you can look to the past for inspiration.

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Return of Easter Pageants, Alabama IVF Bill Undermines The Unborn & Books Prayer Leaders Should Read

For 29 years, Southview Church in Lincoln, Nebraska enjoyed their annual Easter play. It was a tradition for the church and the community. The Covid pandemic not only stopped the play in 2020, but the effects would be felt for four Easters. Inconsistencies between Alabama’s strict abortion laws and its IVF bill that allows embryo destruction are causing Christians to wrestle through the issue. And, up for reading a book to energize your prayer life? In our Toolbox, Kie Bowman says you can look to the past for inspiration.

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ERLC Asking To Oppose the VFHSA, NC Church Mourns Loss of Pastor’s Wife & Prioritizing Spiritual Growth

A Christian ethics group is calling on the Biden administration to withdraw the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) planned expansion of in vitro fertilization (IVF) insurance coverage which would include service members who are single or in same-sex relationships. The congregation of a coastal North Carolina church is grieving the loss of its senior pastor’s wife, who died six days after her family’s car was struck by the driver of another vehicle who was seeking to elude police during a chase. And, Mary and Martha were two sisters who loved Jesus. In one biblical story, Martha asks Jesus to chastise Mary because Martha was busy entertaining guests while her sister was sitting and listening to Jesus. Instead, Jesus encouraged Martha to be more like Mary.

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