Episode 366

Almost ready to launch: Sexual abuse ministry website. ARITF emphasizes small groups, evangelism, and assimilation for long-term church growth ministry.

May 30, 2023

The task force leading efforts to address sexual abuse in Southern Baptist churches say they are preparing to launch a ministry database website in June; Lifeway Research recently released a study on church health revealing four factors that predict church growth; How can pastors prepare for ministry over the long haul? Jonathan Jarboe share four tips in the Baptist Press Toolbox


The task force leading efforts to address sexual abuse in Southern Baptist churches say they are preparing to launch a ministry database website in June.

ARITF Chairman Marshall Blalock told Baptist Press task force members are planning to have the website online when they give their report at the SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans on June 13. The names that have been vetted from categories one, two and three will be on the site at that time.

“Name, alias, birth date, offense, location of offense, date of offense and a photo will be on the site in a searchable database. It will be available for public search without a password or user account,” Blalock said.


Lifeway Research recently released a study on church health revealing four factors that predict church growth. The four factors are:

  1. New commitments to Jesus Christ through your church 
  2. The rate these new commitments get involved in your church 
  3. The portion of worship attendees who are involved in small group discipleship  
  4. Church size 

Researchers agree the first point – new believers following Christ – is a work of the Holy Spirit, but they still believe churches must be intentional in sharing the Gospel in their community.

“Too often in ministry, our greatest defeats occur in our thinking. When we focus our thinking on what God can do and on what we know He has called us to do, we can be faithful and fruitful,” they write.


Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.


How can pastors prepare for ministry over the long haul? Jonathan Jarboe share four tips in the Baptist Press Toolbox. Not only is Jarboe drawing from his own ministry experience, he is reflecting on being a preacher’s kid as his father is a pastor.


First, he says make sure you’re calling to be a pastor is from God.

Second, he encourages pastors to have thick skin and develop a tolerance for criticism. “You don’t have to fix every critic. You don’t even have to respond to every criticism. Sometimes your response is like blowing air on a spark. You are just helping someone start a fire that you are going to have to put out,” he writes.


Third, strive for the glory of God, not the glory of man. “When things are going well this is important. But when things are not going well this is equally important. We don’t lead our ministry hoping people will like us, honor us, or sing our praises. We are in this with a single purpose of pointing people to Jesus for his glory,” Jarboe says.


Finally, he writes real and lasting Kingdom work and progress is accomplished exponentially with a long tenure.




                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

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