Episode 580

Texas-based ministry serving in Haiti; Many cite rise in hatred against Jews, Muslims during Israel-Hamas War, study says; How to support missionaries as they serve

Apr 4, 2024

Texas-based ministry feeding the hungry in Haiti in Jesus’ name; Pew Study reports increase of awareness of antisemitism in light of Israel-Hamas War; How can a church care for a missionary sent to the field?


Serving people in need sometimes requires a change in plans. Texans on Mission’s long-time ministry partner in Haiti shifted gears in recent days to respond to immediate hunger needs.

“Hunger has not been our focus” in Haiti, said Ernie Rice of Stockdale, Texas. “But right now, it is just a desperate situation. … Haiti is full of hungry people.”

Rice’s work in Haiti began through the group’s response to a 2010 earthquake that killed as many as 300,000 people. Since then his nonprofit – Good for Haiti – has focused on working with a church in the mountains by supporting general and technical education, along with strengthening the Christian presence in an area once dominated by voodoo practices.

Many Americans believe antisemitism and islamophobia have increased during the past three years and is especially driven by the Israel-Hamas War, Pew Research said in a study released April 2.


Concurrently, most Americans believe rhetoric supporting or opposing Israel statehood or Zionism should be allowed, Pew said. But an overwhelming majority, 73 percent, oppose calls for violence against Jews and Muslims.


The share of Americans who believe antisemitism is prevalent doubled from 20 percent in 2021 to 40 percent in 2024; while similar perceptions of islamophobia rose from 39 percent to 44 percent during the same period.


Jews and Muslims themselves say they sense the hatred, Pew said. Ninety percent of Jews, 70 percent of Muslims and 64 percent of Arabs expressed an increase in discrimination against their respective groups since the war began. Numbers have supported their feelings.


Every day, hundreds of thousands of people die without the hope of Jesus. Your faithful prayers will make a difference. That’s why the IMB created a free 18-month calendar, called “Impacting Lostness Through Prayer”. It provides guidance, reminders and encouragement as you pray for individuals and communities who have yet to hear the gospel. Learn more about this free resource at IMB.org/prayercalendar.


What happens to missionaries once they leave our churches?

First, it’s important to remember missionaries are normal people who face normal problems. You struggle with physical health, family stress, sick kids, financial pressure, and job pressures. Missionaries face these same problems. However, whereas you jump in a car and visit your family or best friends to get some help, missionaries are usually forced to face these challenges without a similar support structure.

  1. Never underestimate the power of prayer.
  2. Ask good questions and be a good partner.
  3. Remember birthdays and holidays and be spontaneous in your outpouring of love.
  4. When possible, visit. When this isn’t possible, use technology to shrink the world.



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