Episode 536
Congress Holding Social Media Executives Responsible, Most Evangelicals Chose Christ In Childhood & Regular Biblical Intake Makes A Difference
Congress is holding social media executives responsible for actions they say turn a blind eye to human trafficking and look for ways to attract children to the social media platforms. Most adult evangelicals were saved in childhood with several factors influencing their decisions, according to newly released findings from Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research and Consulting. And, David Chancey encourages believers to “Find a place that is your place for a quiet time with God. Just you, your Bible, and God.
Congress is holding social media executives responsible for actions they say turn a blind eye to human trafficking and look for ways to attract children to the social media platforms.
Wednesday’s heated exchange in a Senate hearing included Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg.
As the forum ended Zuckerburg apologized to a room filled with concerned parents and vowed his company would work to bring reform.
Most adult evangelicals were saved in childhood with several factors influencing their decisions, according to newly released findings from Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research and Consulting.
More than 90 percent of the 59 million adult evangelicals in the U.S. each said several factors motivated them to accept Christ as Savior, the study found, with parents, churches, other family members, individual Bible reading and pastors ranking highest.
A total of 72 percent of adult evangelicals were saved before 18, and only 4 percent of respondents said they chose Christ in the four years preceding the study.
The age of belief and the factors influencing belief are valuable insights in designing evangelism strategies, researchers said.
They say they were not discouraged by the low percentage of evangelicals saved in the four years preceding the study, as 16 million respondents were saved in adulthood.
Every day, hundreds of thousands of people die without the hope of Jesus. Your faithful prayers will make a difference. That’s why the IMB created a free 18-month calendar, called “Impacting Lostness Through Prayer”. It provides guidance, reminders and encouragement as you pray for individuals and communities who have yet to hear the gospel. Learn more about this free resource at IMB.org/prayercalendar.
David Chancey encourages believers to “Find a place that is your place for a quiet time with God. Just you, your Bible, and God.
Start reading. I recommend starting in Mark’s gospel along with a Proverb daily and a Psalm daily. Then expand into Genesis and other Old Testament books. Plenty of Bible reading plans can be viewed on the internet. Find one that gives variety and stick with it.
Then memorize verses as a spiritual discipline. Hiding God’s Word in our heart will come in handy when temptation arises, or hard times come. Begin with the top ten list above. Let God’s Word make a difference in your life.”
He says scripture memorization was a tool God used to carry him through recent cancer treatment.
Read the full piece from David Chancey at BaptistPress.com.
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