Episode 536

Church In Gaza Hit Hard In War, ERLC Pushing Against Assisted Death & A Message Of Hope

Jan 31, 2024

A church building built in Gaza in 1954 has been heavily damaged in the Israel-Hamas War, former pastor Hanna Massad told Baptist Press. The Gaza Baptist Church is the only Baptist church in Gaza. Despite it being legal in 10 states and Washington DC, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is still pushing back against doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia. And, Texas pastor Danny Forshee knows people need hope.


A church building built in Gaza in 1954 has been heavily damaged in the Israel-Hamas War, former pastor Hanna Massad told Baptist Press. The Gaza Baptist Church is the only Baptist church in Gaza.

Send Relief continues to provide humanitarian aid to Israel-Hamas War refugees, said Jason Cox, vice president of Send Relief International.

As the war speeds into its fifth month, the Hamas-run Palestinian Health Ministry (PHM) reported more than 26,000 deaths in Gaza through mid-January. More than 64,400 have been injured, thousands more missing and presumed dead, the PHM has reported. About 240 Israeli soldiers have been killed in Israel’s ground offensive, Israel’s military has reported.

Despite it being legal in 10 states and Washington DC, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission is still pushing back against doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia.

The group believes the practices contradict Biblical teaching and the Hippocratic Oath to preserve life made by doctors.

ERLC leaders says education is key as they communicate with legislators on state and federal levels.

They believe pain and suffering are not cause for death, as bad as they may be, and that families should turn to hospice and palliative care options when loved ones need compassionate care.

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people die without the hope of Jesus. Your faithful prayers will make a difference. That’s why the IMB created a free 18-month calendar, called “Impacting Lostness Through Prayer”. It provides guidance, reminders and encouragement as you pray for individuals and communities who have yet to hear the gospel. Learn more about this free resource at IMB.org/prayercalendar.

Texas pastor Danny Forshee knows people need hope.

In the Baptist Press Toolbox he writes, “the Lexham Bible Dictionary says, “The word (for hope) appears in the New Testament only as a verb or noun, never as an adverb or adjective. That is likely because the emphasis is not on the subjective states of mind we have when we say ‘hopefully’ or ‘hopeful.’ Rather, hope in the New Testament has an objective focus.”

Here is my definition of hope: the confident assurance that all will be well because God is with us. The key to living in hope is we must believe. Ephesians 1:19 states, “And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power.” When we believe, God causes us to abound in hope. It is the match that ignites the fire of the Holy Spirit. Belief or trust is the key that unlocks the treasuries of God’s multitude of blessings upon our lives.”

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