Episode 494
Lostness Growing Every Day, Give.org Study & Orphan Care Crisis
Lostness around the world is growing every day. In fact, 59 percent of the world’s population remains unreached. Religious organizations including churches are no longer the most trusted charities among American adults, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) said in its 2023 Give.org Study. And, Lifeline’s Herbie Newell says believers can do a lot to help the world’s orphan care crisis.
Lostness around the world is growing every day. In fact, 59 percent of the world’s population remains unreached. This means there are less than 2 percent evangelical Christians within their people group or nearby. Unless something changes, they have little to no chance of hearing the Gospel in their lifetime.
IMB missionaries are a steadfast presence among the lost.
According to the IMB, many of the unreached people groups live in hard-to-reach places, like remote areas around the world. But did you know that Europeans are now considered unreached? Europe has 800 million people, and only 1 percent are evangelical Christians.
Though the continent has a historical presence of churches, many have turned away from faith of any kind. Europe’s top five unreached peoples – Russian, British, French, Italian and German – make up 55 percent of the European population.
Learn more about how you can be a part of shining light in the darkness at IMB.org.
Religious organizations including churches are no longer the most trusted charities among American adults, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) said in its 2023 Give.org Study. Rather, donors hold the highest trust for veterans’ groups and not-for-profit hospitals, pushing out religious organizations from the top spot for the first time since the study’s 2017 launch, BBB said Nov. 27 in its Give.org 2023 Donor Trust Report.
Rounding out the top five charitable categories are animal welfare groups, at 25.9 percent, and social service charities at 24.9 percent.
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
Lifeline’s Herbie Newell says believers can do a lot to help the world’s orphan care crisis.
First, he says use your voice. He says he knows dozens of stories of sibling groups who found forever families because God used someone to share a social media post about their need and the opportunity to adopt them.
Another way to use our voice is by praying regularly for orphaned children.
Another way is to care for families in crisis. It’s time for families in the Church to build relationships with broken families to support them and to show them examples of biblical families. It’s time for single women and men to volunteer as mentors for at-risk youth, to serve as court appointed special advocates (CASA).
He says using your vote is another helpful way. We must steward our vote and prayerfully consider the profound impact policies and legislation have on the lives of vulnerable children. Together, let us support candidates who pledge to use their office and platform to defend, protect, and serve vulnerable children while allowing the light of Christ to shine.
You can read the full piece and learn more about our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.
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