Episode 490
Dallas Church Fighting Hunger, Young Adults Managing Their Money & Helping a Hurting Friend
Cornerstone Baptist Church in Dallas takes a multifaceted approach to fighting hunger in the food-desert community it serves, persevering amid rising inflation and greater need. An AdelFi study conducted by Lifeway Research found that having a Christian worldview impacts the way young adults (ages 25-40) manage their money, which is most evident in that Christians give nearly three times as much money as non-Christians. And, prayer is a great resource for helping someone who is hurting.
Brandon Porter
Dallas church perseveres, innovates in food ministries amid growing need
Cornerstone Baptist Church in Dallas takes a multifaceted approach to fighting hunger in the food-desert community it serves, persevering amid rising inflation and greater need.
A cloud kitchen for culinary entrepreneurs and healthy cooking classes are additions this year to established outreaches including an award-winning discount fresh foods market, entrepreneurial development, small business loans, free hot meals and food distributions.
This Thanksgiving, aided by community partners, Cornerstone distributed 350 food baskets with turkeys or hams and side dishes for recipients to cook at home, giving recipients the option of gift cards for hams or turkeys.
On Thanksgiving Day, the church served about 1,500 hot meals to community members including the homeless, homebound and seniors.
An AdelFi study conducted by Lifeway Research found that having a Christian worldview impacts the way young adults (ages 25-40) manage their money, which is most evident in that Christians give nearly three times as much money as non-Christians. Furthermore, Christians are more than twice as likely as non-Christians to say faith influences their financial decisions. In particular, most Christians say they recognize the responsibility of good financial stewardship.
The average young adult does business with two financial institutions (loan accounts, checking accounts, savings accounts, etc.) and has two credit cards. But 23% don’t have an active credit card. Young adults also have varying mentalities toward spending money. Overall, 45% of young adults say they track what they’ve spent money on, and 45% say they save for what they want to buy. Another 41% say they set a budget they follow. Fewer say they often buy things impulsively (28%) or get a loan or finance purchases when needed (16%).
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
Prayer is a great resource for helping someone who is hurting.
Garrett Higbee writes, “Prayer is the place to begin these intentional meetings with struggling friends. Prayer creates a safe place to get real and establishes each person’s mutual dependence on God for help with a troubling situation. You can then ask questions that move from general check-in with your friend to focusing on relational and spiritual concerns.
Once you have prayed and probed a bit, the next challenge is to consider your approach to their struggle. Consider your tone, share some of your testimony, and consider timing when asking questions. Different struggles call for different responses. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 exhorts us to meet each other in specific ways according to the need of the moment, whether it is to encourage, help, or gently admonish.”
You can read the full piece and learn more about our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.
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