Episode 452
Israelis are Skeptical, ‘The Blind’ topped $5 Million at the Box Office & Americans Avoiding Fear
Israelis are increasingly skeptical that Israel and Palestine can peacefully coexist as envisioned since the Oslo Accords in 1993, Pew Research found. Ticket sales for The Blind have topped $5 million at the box office. And, a 2021 study from Lifeway Research showed fear was the most common feeling Americans sought to avoid.
Israelis are increasingly skeptical that Israel and Palestine can peacefully coexist as envisioned since the Oslo Accords in 1993, Pew Research found.
Among Israelis of all stripes, confidence of a two-state solution has dropped by 15 percentage points in the past 10 years, Pew Research Center said Sept. 26, based on its Global Attitudes Survey conducted in March and April.
While half of Israelis thought so in 2013, only 35 percent expressed confidence in 2023, Pew said.
Arab Israelis are more skeptical than Jewish Israelis of a two-state coexistence. Among Arabs, confidence has dropped 33 percentage points, from 74 to 41 percent. Among Jewish Israelis, the belief has dropped from 46 percent to 32 percent, Pew said. People in the West Bank, in Gaza and East Jerusalem were excluded from the study.
Ticket sales for The Blind have topped $5 million at the box office. The story of Duck Dynasty father Phil Roberston tells of his rough up-bringing and the affects ungodly living played in his marriage, family, and personal life before an encounter with Jesus Christ changed his course.
The movie, supported and promoted by the Robertson family…the poplar duck call making family at the center of the Duck Dynasty reality TV show…first hit theaters on Sept. 28.
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
A 2021 study from Lifeway Research showed fear was the most common feeling Americans sought to avoid. Regardless of its impact on a person’s life, people do not generally enjoy fear, outside the occasional thrill-seeker and scary movie aficionado. Fear is not constant in every moment of life, but it regularly impacts everyone.
As Christians, we are not exempt from the power of fear or its influence on our lives and decision-making. Many Christians fail to evangelize due to fear. Some will not pursue a calling based on a myriad of fears. At the time of conversion, we are not adorned in a blazer of courage that repels fear like spiritual scotch guard.
Recent research shows nearly 7 in 10 American pastors believe there is a growing sense of fear in their congregations about the future of the nation and the world. A solid majority (63%) believes their congregation has a sense of fear regarding the future of Christianity both in the U.S. and the world.
Despite the prevalence of fear, Christians should have a different response to fear than the world does. This should be reflected both in how we act in fearful situations and in what triggers fear. The Bible does not shy away from discussing fear. There are numerous passages throughout Scripture where God encourages His followers to live with their fears.
You can read the full piece and learn more about our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.
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