Episode 381

The ‘Transgender Mandate’ & Six Ways to Pray

Jun 23, 2023

The Biden administration will not appeal an Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decision from December 2022 that blocked the so-called “transgender mandate.” And, have you considered developing a prayer strategy to help you and other reach people far from Christ? How about your prayers for a friend or family member who is far from Christ? In a piece on Baptist Press, Kie Bowman offers several tips. First, pray for witnesses.


The Biden administration will not appeal an Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals decision from December 2022 that blocked the so-called “transgender mandate.”

The mandate was an attempt by the Biden administration to define sex to include “gender identity” for the purposes of HHS regulations.

Critics say the rule would have required doctors, clinics and hospitals to perform procedures to which they object and insurance companies to pay for such procedures.

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Have you considered developing a prayer strategy to help you and other reach people far from Christ? How about your prayers for a friend or family member who is far from Christ? In a piece on Baptist Press, Kie Bowman offers several tips.

First, pray for witnesses.

Paul mentions prayer about 40 times in his letters, often appealing for prayer for his own evangelistic ministry (Ephesians 6:19; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; etc). Paul asked the church to pray for him because, as a front line evangelist, he knew he needed the prayer support of fellow believers in order to experience evangelistic success. We should regularly pray for those who are regularly sharing the gospel.


Leonard Ravenhill once said, “God doesn’t answer prayer- He answers desperate prayer.”

Pray with power.

Bowman points to Billy Graham for explanation on the power needed to share the Gospel. Billy Graham in his 1978 book, “The Holy Spirit.” Graham, “Christians have more equipment and technology for evangelizing the world than ever before. And there are better trained personnel. But one of the great tragedies of the present hour is this: Christians so often lack the fullness of the Spirit with its true dependence on God‘s power for their ministry.”

Read the full piece and sign up for our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.

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