Episode 368

90,000 U.S. testimonies of answered prayer sought for England monument; 6 Ways Pastors Become Men of Prayer

Jun 1, 2023

Everyone finds great joy when God answers their prayer. Richard Gamble’s is working hard to build what he calls the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer, an interactive, 160-foot monument of 1 million white bricks built into an infinity loop on a plot of high-profile land in Birmingham, England; In a piece in the Baptist Press Toolbox, Kie Bowman encourages believers to pray and offers some tips to pastors and believers on how to create culture of prayer in the local church.


Everyone finds great joy when God answers their prayer.

Richard Gamble’s is working hard to build what he calls the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer, an interactive, 160-foot monument of 1 million white bricks built into an infinity loop on a plot of high-profile land in Birmingham, England. Linked to an app, the monument will allow visitors – whether online or in person – to digitally access true stories of answered prayer.

Gamble says his motivation is that the monument will inspire people to call on God and to remind them He answers prayer.


The land for the project was donated by Gamble and he says he raised 90% of the funds needed. He hopes to complete construction in 2026.


The US Supreme Court is set to rule on several religious liberty cases this summer. The high court has already released their rulings on several cases. Baptist Press is tracking cases involving 303 Creative and Groff vs. DeJoy. We are also awaiting a ruling in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals related to the FDA’s recommendation of Mifepristone, commonly known as the abortion pill. A Texas court struck down the FDA’s recommendation of the pill earlier this year.


Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.


In a piece in the Baptist Press Toolbox, Kie Bowman encourages believers to pray and offers some tips to pastors and believers on how to create culture of prayer in the local church.


First, Bowman encourages leaders to pray. While this might sound simplistic, he points out that too often leaders plan, schedule and work but don’t investigate much time in actually praying.


He writes, “When we say, the pastor must be a man of prayer, his skills and habits in prayer are important, but they are a secondary concern. The most significant aspect of developing and maintaining a life of prayer for the pastor has more to do with the motive rather than the mechanics of prayer. In other words, it’s the “why” of prayer more than the “how” of prayer that matters most.”


Next, he says there must be sermon preached on the importance and power of prayers. Bowman says, “Biblical preaching about prayer instructs the church about the supernatural power of prayer. It raises the congregation’s expectations about what is possible when we pray. If we want to build a culture of prayer in the church, we must immerse our congregations in biblical teaching about prayer.”


Finally, he reminds believers that the best way to learn about praying is to pray. “Your church learns to pray by praying. It’s true that prayer is learned by reading about it and hearing about it, but more importantly, by watching it done and doing it,” he says.




                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

                  Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

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