Episode 346

Sudan conflict destroys churches, displaces Christians; Policies and procedures promote safety for all; The demon of self-improvement.

May 2, 2023

A call to prayer today as at least four churches have been destroyed and a congregation directly assaulted in Sudan, signaling the earliest reports of religious suffering in the fight for governmental control that erupted April 15; Having solid policies and procedures in place at your church helps prevent sexual abuse by protecting children, youth and vulnerable adults, according to Kris Buckman; In a piece in the Baptist Press Toolbox, JD Greear writes, The demons don’t mind the cleanup; in fact, they like it.


A call to prayer today as at least four churches have been destroyed and a congregation directly assaulted in Sudan, signaling the earliest reports of religious suffering in the fight for governmental control that erupted April 15.

While it’s not clear whether the damages are the result of targeted religious persecution in the country that has failed to find democracy through decades of civil war, religious liberty advocates have expressed concern.

Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), a ministry supporting persecuted Christians globally, said the fighting that has killed hundreds of civilians could provide a cover for targeted attacks on Christians.

Christians can pray, Nettleton said, for God’s protection over Sudanese Christians, for a peaceful solution to the newest conflict, for a long-term political solution that allows more religious freedom in Sudan, and for “wisdom and discernment for church leaders as they shepherd their flocks during this very difficult season.”


Having solid policies and procedures in place at your church helps prevent sexual abuse by protecting children, youth and vulnerable adults, according to Kris Buckman. Buckman says solid policies volunteers, staff and help the church at large.  

Buckman recommends that if your church already has policies and procedures in place, now is a good time to review them, and make sure they are current, and that they are being followed by staff and volunteers. Policies and procedures can only protect everyone if followed and adhered to. 



Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

In a piece in the Baptist Press Toolbox, JD Greear writes, The demons don’t mind the cleanup; in fact, they like it. And, it certainly doesn’t stop them from coming back—in much bigger numbers. The use of the number seven is meant to imply completion (the Hebrew meaning). It’s like saying, “The last state of that man is infinitely worse.”

Religion apart from Jesus opens the door to more deceptive and dangerous demons. Religious change, or self-improvement, is often accompanied by pride and judgmentalism and self-sufficiency, and those things are infinitely worse than alcoholism or a bad temper.

If you conquer your sinful habits but develop a judgmental, arrogant spirit, that’s seven times worse. If you overcome your insecurity by becoming a driven, domineering, and self-sufficient person, that’s seven more demons. If you avoid conflict and pain by never committing to anyone, that’s seven more demons.

Freedom in the Christian life only comes from giving yourself fully to Jesus because he is the only Master who can free you from your demons and make you whole again.


          Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

          Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

          Pro-life advocates and others are awaiting a Texas judge’s ruling on whether an abortion pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2000 should be prescribed to women. The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission has called on nine federal agencies to revoke a proposed rule it says would unduly burden the rights of faith-based organizations that take part in government programs. And, a Lifeway Bible study on Baptist Press speaks to the final moments before Jesus’ arrest and subsequent crucifixion. Jesus seeks to encourage his disciples as he knows heavy sorrow is just around the corner.

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