Episode 288
Memphis Church Gives to Non-Profits, King David’s Reign on Ancient Stone & BP Toolbox
Brown Missionary Baptist Church’s $1,000 weekly anonymous gift to area nonprofits has morphed into a partnership to train such groups for maximum impact and engender church-community cooperation. New readings of text on the Moabite Stone studied for 150 years give new evidence that the stone includes an extra-biblical reference to King David, scholars have announced. And, a new page aimed at helping pastors and church leaders is available at Baptist Press. The “Toolbox” features practical resources written by today’s leading SBC voices like Chuck Lawless, Trevin Wax and others.
Brown Missionary Baptist Church’s $1,000 weekly anonymous gift to area nonprofits has morphed into a partnership to train such groups for maximum impact and engender church-community cooperation.
It began in November 2020 with the church anonymously giving $1,000 to every nonprofit honored as a Community Changer in an outreach the church negotiated with local CBS affiliate WREG.
Brown Baptist gave more than $100,000 in the outreach before revealing its identity as the donor in November 2022, WREG reported. The church is continuing to give $1,000 to each group WREG recognizes in the weekly feature, Orr said.
The church said their next step is to work with Mission Increase, a national group headquartered in Portland, Ore., offering free training to help nonprofits operate effectively and to help churches and other nonprofits and parachurches work together to meet broader goals.
New readings of text on the Moabite Stone studied for 150 years give new evidence that the stone includes an extra-biblical reference to King David, scholars have announced.
The latest reading reveals previously illegible characters to complete the phrase “the House of David” on the 31st line of the 34-line inscription written in the ninth century B.C., scholars assert in the current issue of the Biblical Archeology Review.
Southern Baptist archeologist and theologian Jim Parker affirms the latest interpretation of the stone that records the victorious battles of King Mesha, who ruled in the mid-ninth Century B.C. what is now known as Dhibon, Jordan.
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
A new page aimed at helping pastors and church leaders is available at Baptist Press. The “Toolbox” features practical resources written by today’s leading SBC voices like Chuck Lawless, Trevin Wax and others.
“Our aim is to engage church leaders and pastors with relevant and practical resources, articles, videos and podcasts through the toolbox,” said Jonathan Howe, SBC Executive Committee (EC) vice president for communications.
Howe, the host of the SBC This Week podcast, came to the EC after serving for six years as director of strategic initiatives for Lifeway Christian Resources. In that role, he was responsible for the content strategy and marketing of ThomRainer.com, EdStetzer.com and LifeWayPastors.com.
The page’s launch is in coordination with four new newsletters created by Baptist Press in 2023. The weekly newsletters are compilations of stories focused on discipleship, leadership, missions and politics.
Read the full piece and sign up for our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.
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