Episode 260

Buffalo Church Helps in Snowstorm, California Church Pulling Together After Earthquake & 2023 Goals

Jan 2, 2023

The value of Christian community is on display across the country. A historic snowstorm that dumped over four feet of snow in the Buffalo, New York area and brought at least 31 area deaths has left residents and churches acting to respond as best they can. On the other side of the U.S., church members are pulling together to pick up the pieces of a mid-December earthquake.
And, as the new year takes off, perhaps you’ve set some goals for yourself…or at least are thinking about setting some goals.


The value of Christian community is on display across the country.

A historic snowstorm that dumped over four feet of snow in the Buffalo, New York area and brought at least 31 area deaths has left residents and churches acting to respond as best they can.

Pastor Dan Trippie says Restoration Church met in a local hotel yesterday after extensive flooding occurred at the 12-year-old church just before Christmas.

Trippie says the community is pulling together to help one another meet basic needs as the snow slowly begins to melt.

Authorities say it will take weeks to know the full extent of damage caused by the storm.

On the other side of the U.S., church members are pulling together to pick up the pieces of a mid-December earthquake.

Rio Dell Baptist Church in Rio Dell, California lost a portion of their facility due to the 6.4 earthquake back in mid-December.

Our Scott Barkley talked with Pastor Rod Sanderson. He says the congregation can still use the sanctuary, but the remainder of the building must be completely renovated.

Inspectors met with Sanderson on Christmas Day to evaluate the damage.

He says the church did not have earthquake insurance because the cost is so high. Members say they will work together to help the church recover as they move forward.

Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

As the new year takes off, perhaps you’ve set some goals for yourself…or at least are thinking about setting some goals.

Chuck Lawless at Southeastern Seminary offers some practical and important goals for Christians. You can read the full piece at Baptist Press, but here’s the high points.

* Tell somebody something about the goodness of God each day.

* Pray with somebody daily.

* Memorize at least two scriptures per month.

* Get to know a missionary family and ministry this year.

* Decide today, and every day that stretches ahead of you in the next year, that you will finish 2023 well.

Read the full piece and sign up for our daily emails at Baptist Press.com.

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