Episode 171
Winter World University Games, Light & Sound’s “DAVID-Live” & KY Flooding Update
As the areas around Upstate New York prepare to host the Winter World University Games in January, Southern Baptist churches are preparing to serve. Shane Litchfield, the lead in Light & Sound’s “DAVID-Live,” describes the role as universally relatable. But King David especially resonates with Litchfield, himself a songwriter, composer and vocalist. And, astounding stories continue coming from the eastern Kentucky mountains as residents enter the fourth week since the historic flooding devastated the area.
As the areas around Upstate New York prepare to host the Winter World University Games in January, Southern Baptist churches are preparing to serve.
Scheduled for Jan. 12-22, 2023, the World University Games is an international sports competition for collegiate athletes from across the world taking place every two years in a different location.
More than 1,600 athletes will compete in events such as skating, skiing, hockey, snowboarding and curling, and more than 40,000 people are estimated to be in the region for the games. Attendance is expected to rival that of the 1980 Olympics held in Lake Placid.
Ryan Schneider is pastor of Saranac Lake Baptist Church and lead chaplain for the University Games. He said the event will be a great evangelistic opportunity for those in the area, including his own congregation.
Much like the Olympics, competing athletes will be housed in four villages across the four geographical areas across the Upstate region where events will be held – Potsdam-Canton, Saranac Lake, Queensbury and Lake Placid.
At each of the four sites, Schneider explained, there will be an evangelical chaplain there to minister to the athletes. All of the chaplains have either competed in high-level athletic competition themselves or ministered as a chaplain during an Olympic games.
Shane Litchfield, the lead in Light & Sound’s “DAVID-Live,” describes the role as universally relatable. But King David especially resonates with Litchfield, himself a songwriter, composer and vocalist.
Litchfield said he composed “bits and pieces” of the music throughout the production debuting 7 p.m. Eastern Sept. 2 at Sight & Sound TV.
The streaming, with four livestreamed encore showings Sept 3-4, offers a worldwide audience a musical dramatization of David’s life from shepherd boy to king, DAVID-Live producer Ryan Miller said.
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
Astounding stories continue coming from the eastern Kentucky mountains as residents enter the fourth week since the historic flooding devastated the area.
Volunteers from Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief and many others from numerous churches continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus, helping in recovery, providing food for thousands and sharing the Gospel whenever they can.
KYDR Director Ron Crow said 18 state conventions are assisting in Kentucky, including Alaska.
Crow said they are following up on 78 professions of faith as disaster relief workers share the hope of Jesus even as they work.
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