Episode 156

Barber Names Abuse Task Force Members, Pregnancy Center Attacks & Mealtime Prayer

Aug 9, 2022

Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber has announced the members of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF). Ongoing attacks on pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have presented security challenges, but they have not thwarted continuing, faith-based efforts to minister to women in need. And, bowed heads before their meal on a Sedona, Ariz. anniversary trip led a Tennessee couple to an opportunity to share their faith.


Southern Baptist Convention President Bart Barber has announced the members of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF).

Messengers to the annual meeting in Anaheim tasked Barber, to put together a committee to take nest steps after a yearlong study and investigation by Guidepost Solutions into the SBC Executive Committee.

One of the recommendations includes the establishment of a “Ministry Check” website. The task force will oversee and report back to the Convention on the feasibility, effectiveness and costs of the website, which will be established and maintained by an independent contractor chosen by the task force.
Ongoing attacks on pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have presented security challenges, but they have not thwarted continuing, faith-based efforts to minister to women in need.

A total of 87 attacks against pro-life entities – including 43 pregnancy centers and 32 churches – have been recorded by the Catholic News Agency since the May 2 leak of a U.S. Supreme Court draft opinion signaling the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision. On June 24, the high court released its final ruling that returned the issue to the states by overturning the 1973 opinion that legalized abortion nationwide

In recent attacks, two pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) in Minnesota and two churches in Kansas were vandalized between July 31 and Aug. 2.

The estimated 2,700 or more PRCs in the United States generally provide pregnancy tests, counseling on options, pregnancy and parenting classes, and material assistance. Many provide ultrasound exams, and some offer other health-care services. Ultrasound technology has proved to be a vital tool for PRCs in their ministry to abortion-minded women. The sonogram images of their unborn children have helped many women choose to give birth.
Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
Bowed heads before their meal on a Sedona, Ariz. anniversary trip led a Tennessee couple to an opportunity to share their faith.

On Aug. 2, Sarah and Blake Tarr were approached by a server that had observed them praying before their meal the night before and the next morning approached them as they began breakfast.

The server told the couple she hadn’t been able to find answers to her questions and asked if they could tell her a little bit about their faith? The server had a 45-minute break later that morning, which gave them a perfect opportunity to talk.

Before the conversation ended, the server had asked Jesus Christ to forgive her and placed her faith in Him. In addition, through social media, the couple was able to connect the woman to a church in the Sedona area.

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