Episode 078

Ukrainian Refugee Aid, Community Outreach, & Responding to Jesus’ Resurrection

Apr 20, 2022

SendRelief is partnering with Lifeline Children’s Services, the Regen Foundation, Heritage Ukraine and the Romania Without Orphans Alliance to provide training on caring for Ukrainian refugees. In an article on Baptist Press, Todd Gray, director of the Kentucky Baptist Convention shares about a conversation he had while meeting people in a local community. And as the celebration for Easter Sunday 2022 is now behind us, some Christians may be wondering what comes next.


SendRelief is partnering with Lifeline Children’s Services, the Regen Foundation, Heritage Ukraine and the Romania Without Orphans Alliance to provide training on caring for Ukrainian refugees. Missionaries Madison and Yuriy Perekoity, who are currently in the US, will return to Europe beginning in late April to train churches in ministering to refugees.

Experts believe it will take years for the Ukrainian refugees to be reestablished after the war with Russia is finished.

Vulnerable to Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, refugees typically lose their sense of felt safety and can become vulnerable in looking for ways to cope, according to Beth Perez director of global education for Lifeline Children’s Services. She says refugees can face lingering challenges that expose them to such ills as exploitation, substance abuse and spousal abuse.

In an article on Baptist Press, Todd Gray, director of the Kentucky Baptist Convention shares about a conversation he had while meeting people in a local community.

Gray said he and a pastor were visiting neighborhood residents when they struck up a conversation with a man who said he was an atheist. After a conversation, the man admitted he probably believed there was a God, but didn’t know much about him.

Gray shared a short explanation of the gospel of the Jesus Christ and asked the man if he’d ever heard it before. To Gray’s surprise, the man said no.

Gray said he left the interaction stunned that a man who lived in a community with dozens of churches had never heard the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and how Christ takes away the sins of those of who repent and turn to Him.

He said the conversation has driven him to prayer. He wrote, “Join me in praying that followers of Jesus will be faithful to deliver the Gospel to every home day after day and year after year until everyone has heard. We want each person to have an opportunity to turn to the God who loves them and sent His own Son to take the punishment their sins deserve and to have the life that only He can give.”

Good News for Today is sponsored by The Voice of the Martyrs

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

As the celebration for Easter Sunday 2022 is now behind us, some Christians may be wondering what comes next. That’s the focus of a recent Bible study from Lifeway on Baptist Press.

A question faced by a high school graduate is determining what to do next. We can hardly enjoy the celebration because of the questions asked about our “what next” plans. College, vocational school or job hunt? Home or away? For some of us, we were just happy to make it to that day and had not thought much about the “what next.” Graduation became an end and a beginning all at the same time.

Seeing Jesus after His resurrection was no doubt a thrilling and glorious experience. However, Matthew quickly moved from the resurrection to the “what next.”

Jesus gave a specific command that is to be fulfilled by all His followers throughout all ages. He left us with a promise. The primary command is to make disciples. A disciple is one who seeks to follow actively and consistently the teaching of another. Jesus wants us to know Him personally, to follow His teachings and to help others do the same.

Find more stories at BaptistPress.com.

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