Episode 028
Annie and Nannie, 2022 Ministers’ Tax Guide & Churches Cooperating
The inspiring story behind the relationship between Annie Armstrong and Nannie Helen Burroughs. The the 2022 Ministers’ Tax Guide for 2021 Returns has been released. And Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Seminary, makes a case for churches to work together whenever possible.
In 1897, Annie Armstrong, recording secretary of the Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU), met with Nannie Helen Burroughs, an up-and-coming leader in the National Baptist Convention (NBC). Annie was an integral part of WMU’s beginning and is remembered as one of the most successful and influential leaders in Baptist history. Nannie and other NBC leaders hoped to establish a women’s auxiliary similar to WMU within their convention and were seeking advice from WMU’s brilliant innovator.
What the meeting also did was form a friendship between these two women. While today this seems unremarkable, in 1897 it was exceptional. At the turn of the century, the Civil War was recent history. Racism and other forms of discrimination were the norm, and women did not yet have the right to vote. Annie was white, and Nannie was Black, and the conventions they represented were segregated. Annie was almost 50 and nearing the end of her public ministry. Nannie was a mere 20 years old and just beginning to step into the remarkable plans God had for her life. Despite all these differences, they shared a desire that overshadowed their many differences: to equip women for ministry and to see the Gospel transform the world. This desire drew them together and ushered in a friendship that would defy societal norms.
At Baptist Press you can read more details about their friendship and the impact it had on the Gospel going forward.
As tax time rolls into full gear, the process can be a big tricky for pastors.
GuideStone, the financial resource of the Southern Baptist Convention, has released the 2022 Ministers’ Tax Guide for 2021 Returns. It’s available now at Guidestone.org.
The guide was written by Richard Hammar, a noted CPA, attorney and widely published author who specializes in legal and tax issues for ministers.
Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.
In a First Person piece on Baptist Press, Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Seminary, makes a case for churches to work together whenever possible. He says there are many reason benefits to churches cooperating…here’s two.
First is educational in nature.
When churches operate in isolation, the tendency for erroneous teaching to arise and remain unchecked increases significantly.
He says the Paul’s shared theology among the first century churches is a great example of cooperative doctrine.
The second is benevolent.
Greenway says, “By the power of cooperation, every church, including those in poor areas without means to make large contributions, can share in the dignity and joy of being part of something grater for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. In this way, we ensure that the whole body of Christ flourishes, and we have a chance to show a lost and dying world what the sacrificial love of Jesus tangibly looks like.”
Get more news at BaptistPress.com.
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