Episode 022

Religious Liberty, Ukrainian Believers & Resisting Temptation

Feb 1, 2022

A Kentucky police officer is fighting for his religious liberty. Christians in Western Ukraine are making plans to shelter fellow believers in the case of a Russian invasion. And how God’s Word helps you resist temptation.


A Kentucky police officer is fighting for his religious liberty…and is gaining substantial ground. Louisville Metro Police officer Matt Schrenger settled a suit against the city last week. The 13-year veteran was suspended last year after he was seen on video surveillance praying at the EMW Women’s Surgical Center – one of Louisville’s abortion clinics.

Complaints were filed by clinic escorts because the officer was in uniform while praying outside the clinic. Turns out Schrenger had just completed his shift and was off-duty when he stopped by clinic.

His attorneys called his treatment unfair and, apparently, the city thought a jury would agree.

Christians in Western Ukraine are making plans to shelter fellow believers in the case of a Russian invasion at Ukraine’s eastern border. Ukrainians in the eastern and norther portions of the country have been in contract with other believers across the country.

If Russian launches an offensive, Christians in other parts of the country are prepared to welcome them into their homes.

The Ukrainian believers say they are aware that Russia persecutes Christians through the criminalization of evangelism outside church walls and deeming any church other than the government-influenced Russian Orthodox Church to be sectarian or a cult.

Church leaders say they will draw on their experience from the way they existed while the Soviet Union was in power.

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

Drawing from a Lifeway Bible study on temptation based on Genesis 39, a story on Baptist Press recently asked:

Why is important to stay on guard against temptation even when things are going well?

How has God’s Word helped you resist temptation?

What strategies have you found helpful to resist temptation?

The study focuses on Joseph, who had been betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery, yet ascended to a high level of leadership in Pharaoh’s house. It was there Joseph was seduced by a woman married to one of the high-ranking officers in Pharaoh’s administration. His refusal to give in to temptation cost him dearly as he was falsely accused and sent to jail.

The study author writes, “Running from temptation is key to our survival when facing spiritual warfare. More important than running away from sin is the daily decision to walk closely with Jesus.”

You can read the study in full and find more news at BaptistPress.com.

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