Episode 006

Drones, Disaster Relief, & Healthy Teams

Jan 10, 2022

The Nolachucky Baptist Association Disaster Relief team in east Tennessee is the first DR team to use a drone in their relief work. Also, George Yates shares four traits of healthy, productive teams.


A Tennessee Disaster Relief team is taking to the skies to assist those needing help. The Nolachucky Baptist Association Disaster Relief in east Tennessee is near Kingsport. They’re the first DR team to use a drone in their relief work.

So far, the drone has been used in Waverly, Tennessee to help determine the source of flooding that greatly affected the city in west Tennessee. It was also used to assess areas that were in need of debris removal and chainsaw work.

Brandon Ramsey is a licensed drone pilot. He serves as the primary pilot for the team. He said the drone allows the team to know what equipment is needed and can cover an area in minutes that would take a team several hours to cover on foot.

Sam Porter, national director of disaster relief for Send Relief, is encouraged by the drone usage and hopes of DR teams will follow the Nolachucky team’s lead.

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Teams are more than just group of players trying to move the ball down the field. Effective teams can be found in offices, schools, and, according to one Alabama Baptist leader, in churches.

George Yates, a church health specialist, says churches can expect productive teams when these four characteristics are present.

The first is that the purpose of the team is clear. What is this team trying to accomplish?

The second is that the team has clear goals and expectations.

The third is that team has open and continual communication.

The fourth is that the team celebrates its achievements.

To read the entire article by George Yates and other lot of others, visit BaptistPress.com. Subscribe to Good News for Today wherever you listen to podcasts.

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