Episode 003

Bible Engagement, Family Worship, & Praying for Missionaries

Jan 5, 2022

As a New Year begins, many people are looking for ways to make changes in their lives. At the top of the list for Spiritual change is consistent Bible reading. Another is for families to spend time worshipping together. Also, NAMB and IMB have produced prayer calendars for 2022.


As a New Year begins, many people are looking for ways to make changes in their lives. One of those ways may be to grow spiritually. Experts at Lifeway Research say one way a Christian can grow in their faith is through consistent Bible reading.

Long Hollow Baptist pastor Robby Gallaty believes regular Bible engagement makes a deep impact on other areas of Christian life. He says that daily Bible-readers are more likely to serve, give, fast and live lives of worship.

Discipleship is the January emphasis of the brand new 2022 calendar for the Southern Baptist Convention. To find the calendar visit SBC.net.

To find resources on Bible intake visit Lifeway.com.

Another way a family can grow closer to one another and to Christ is to spend time worshipping together. While attending a local church is a primary way to do this, another great way is by worshipping together at home.

While this may sound intimidating, Sarah Humphrey offers some doable tips in the “Tips for planning a family devotional for the New Year” article at Baptist Press.

Some of those tips include using devotion resources that are age-appropriate for children, give children a chance to participate by asking them to read a portion of the Scripture passage or devotion the family is focusing on, or by inviting them to ask questions about the passage or topic being discussed.

Another helpful idea is to phone a friend or, even better, to Zoom in a family member or family friend so they can interact during the devotion.

And a number of helpful tips in the piece.

Would you be willing to pray for a missionary? When we come back, we’ll tell you about some helpful resources to do just that.

Good News for Today is made possible through our friends at The Voice of the Martyrs, a nonprofit organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost. Find out more and sign up for their free monthly magazine at vom.org/goodnews.

Sometimes our best intentions are hard to keep in front of us. The folks at the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board understand. They’ve created handy prayer calendars so people can pray for missionaries and church planters every day.

The resources are available for free download at IMB.org and NAMB.net and print versions are available at a nominal cost at each of their websites as well.

Why not make it a priority to pray for missionaries and church planters in 2022?

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